Backing tracks
Complete audio download to accompany the printed edition of A Night at the Opera Act I. Recorded by John Alley.
Winner NFA Newly Published Music Awards
SAMPLE BACKING TRACK: Mozart Che soave zeffiretto
Complete audio download to accompany the printed edition of A Night at the Opera Act I. Recorded by John Alley.
Winner NFA Newly Published Music Awards
SAMPLE BACKING TRACK: Mozart Che soave zeffiretto
Format | Print edition, PDF + Backing tracks, Backing tracks |
Bach Cantatas for violin accompaniment backing tracks. Six Arias from the Cantatas for two violins and piano or organ.
A collection of the most beautiful songs by German romantic composers arranged for flute and piano. Ideal short concert pieces for intermediate players.
Short, melodic miniature studies in keys up to four sharps and flats covering tone, fingers, intervals, high notes, articulation and intonation.