AMEB backing tracks recorded by John Alley

Piano backing tracks for Aurea Capra publications recorded by John Alley of the London Symphony Orchestra
Our growing collection of music for other wind and string instruments

Featured Products
- Alto flute
An die Musik: a lieder album for alto flute and piano
$5.00 – $29.00A lieder collection including songs by Schubert, Schumann, Strauss and Wolf. Ideal short concert pieces for intermediate players and above.
- Flute music
Parry Micro Etudes: Melodic Technique Exercises for Flute
$29.00Melodic flute technique exercises in keys up to four sharps and flats. Flute sonority, fingers, embouchure flexibility, high notes, articulation and intonation. Plus free playalong accompaniment tracks.
- Flute music
A Baroque Christmas for two flutes and piano
$5.00 – $29.00Baroque Christmas classics by Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Purcell and Manfredini. Ideal for Advent and Christmas concerts and church services.
- Flute music
Mélodie: French flute music by Fauré, Chausson, Hahn and Hüe
$5.00 – $29.00A collection of French art songs arranged for two flutes and piano. These gems of the French repertoire make perfect short concert pieces.